Overview of Day Care Requirements | Dallas, Texas Personal Injury Attorney Blog

If you are concerned that the day care facility your child is attending is not properly staffed, review the attachment as a quick reference for staffing requirements of day care facilities in the State of Texas. However, remember that certain facilities such as day care facilities provided by work out or athletic clubs that offer to watch your child while you work out are exempt from these requirements.

If your child has been injured, abused or neglected by a day care worker or if you believe the day care facility your child attends was improperly staffed with unqualified or unfit employees or understaffed, and that these problems have caused or contributed to your child’s injury, contact Rachel Montes or Tom Herald of Montes Herald Law Group, LLP at (214) 522-9401. We handle claims against day care facilities all across Texas, but especially in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Be sure to read the Montes Herald Law Group blog for other relevant posts concerning day care injuries and visit our website at www.MontesLawGroup.com for more information about our law firm, attorneys and claims against day care providers.

Day Care Worker Charged with Sexual Assault of Child | Dallas, Texas Personal Injury Attorney Blog

Day Care Worker Charged with Sexual Assault of Child

By Rachel E. Montes posted in Daycare Laws on Monday, May 25, 2009

Garland police have charge Cesar Najera-Zayala (55) with sexual assault of a girl under the age of 10 at the day care facility where Mr. Najera-Zayala worked. Najera-Zavala goes by “pastor” and is the director of the Amiel Christian School. “He’s the one that oversees the entire ministry,” said Adrian Najera, his son. While Garland Police have indicated that they are investigating the possibility of more victims, Mr. Najera has denied that the incident occurred and issued a statement, “We’re in the last two weeks of school, and this specific parent that came up with these accusations has a pretty outstanding balance with the school,” CBS 11 News is reporting that it has learned the Garland daycare center has been operating illegally and has been ordered to shut down.

At Montes Law Group, PLC we understand that parents place a high level of trust in day care centers to protect their children. There are several Texas laws that are in place that are designed to protect children and to ensure that day care facilities are operated in a manner that reduces the risk that children will be victimized. These laws require that day care centers must be properly licensed, staffed and operated in a safe manner. In addition, day care facilities have a duty to conduct an investigation into the background of workers to make sure that they do not pose a risk of harm to the children. If you are concerned that your child has been physically or sexually assaulted by a day care worker or seriously injured while at a day care facility, you need to take immediate action to protect your child. Report the incident to the police immediately. Then, contact us.